Study on Slope Stability Analysis by Considering Rainwater Infiltration
調 修二* ・ 久楽 勝行** ・ 伊勢田 哲也*** ・ 棚橋 由彦***
Shuji SHIRABE*, Katsuyuki KUTARA**, Tetsuya ISEDA*** and Yoshihiko TANABASHI***


 A field survey of rainwater infiltration and an observation of wetting front are carried out. A seepage flow analysis and a stability analysis of actual slope taking the seepage force in account, reveals that the wetting front reaches the depth of more than 3.0m from the surface when the total rainfall attains 285mm, that rainwater infiltration can be sufficiently simulated with the vertically one-dimensional equation, and that slope stability during heavy rainfall is much influenced by the seepage force.

Key words: infiltration, slope stability, seepage force.

Nagasaki Office, Kisojiban Consultants Co., Ltd.
Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction
Dapartment of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University
