Average Duration Time of Weathering on Mountain Slopes Concerning
the Slope Collapse Interval
平野 昌繁*
Masashige HIRANO* |
Dependence of surface velocity of P-wave on the landform parameters,
the equivalent slope length I and the slope gradient I, defines the obliquity
of iso-velocity surface against land surface. The angular relationship
of both surfaces is resulted from the essential nature of weathering described
by diffusion equation with surface evaporation boundary condition and
from simultaneous erosion of uppermost portion of weathered zone. The
average duration time of weathering at a given point of mountain slope
is obtained by comparison of actual obliqueness with that on model slope.
The duration time is over 100 years near ridge part and 13-30 years approximately
at the point 5m apart from the ridge. The former value means that the
surface material distributed there has suffered weathering for a long
time and is staying keeping pace with frequent but weak erosive force
corresponding to small value of l and I. The latter value on the contrary
means deep-seated denudation by slope failure and is identical with the
interval required for recovery of weathered mantle after occurrence of
the failure.
Key words: weathering, slope diffusion, average weathering period.
Department of Geography, Fac. Lit., Osaka City Univ.