Vol.10-3 |
Method of Estimating the Representative Wind Speed over Land Surface
近藤 純正* ・ 桑形 恒男* ・ 中園 信*
By Junsei KONDO*, Tsuneo KUWAGATA* and Makoto NAKAZONO* |
Method of estimating a representative wind speed over land surface was
developed for l55 meteorological stations of the Japan Meteorological
Agency. Two types of wind speed, UA and UB, were considered here.
UA is defined as the wind speed at 50m above ground for each meteorological
station. Statistical analysis for 5 years showed that the observed wind
speeds at the inland stations are 0.4 to 0.9 times of the theoretical
values over flat surface, which are derived from Rossby number similarity
theory. When averaged for the 106 stations (excluding the stations locat-ed
in cape, mountain and small island), the observed wind speed is 0.67 times
of the theoretical value. The factor 0.67 (≡αmean) implies the topographical
reducing factor averaged over Japan.
The representative wind specd UB is defined as αmean U50, where U50 is
the theoretical 50m-height wind speed over flat surface (assuming the
aerodynamic roughness Z0=1m). UB does not include both the two effects
of local topography and local ground condition, and is suitable for analysis
of synoptic-scale wind field.
Key words: surface wind speed, representative wind speed, aerodynamic
roughness, Rossby number similarity theory
Geophysical Institute, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University