Field Questionnaire Investigation of House Damage and It's Correlation between environ's topographic features due to Typhoon 9119 in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Yoshihiko TANABASHI*, Tomohide MATSUOKA**, Noritaka ARAMAKI** and Keinosuke GOTO*


@Typhoon 9119 caused damage almost all over the islands Japan. The typhoon was characterized by its low atmospheric pressure of the center on landing (940 hPa), high speed (55 km/h) and high maximum velocity which broke past records held in the 26 meteorological stations in Japan.
@Due to the strong wind of the typhoon, a lot of the houses located on the right side to the running direction of the typhoon (dangerous semicircle) were damaged.
@This paper investigates the characteristics of the house damage and the recovery process in Nagasaki prefecture, by both field survey and questionnaire, and also topographic features and the direction of the house damage, its type of roof tile, environ's topographic features and the direction of the wind. Finally, some suggestions are made for the reduction of house damage due to typhoon.

Key wards:typhoon, house damage, questionnaire

Department of Civil Enginearing, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University
Graduate StudentCDepartment of Civil Engineering, Nagasaki University
