
Estimation of Extreme Waves along the Coast of the Japan Sea Based on Wave Hindcasting

山口 正隆* ・ 畑田 佳男* ・ 中村 雄二**
Masataka YAMAGUCHI*, Yoshio HATADA* and Yuji NAKAMURA**


 Wave hindcasting for 143 cases of storms which occurred from 1962 to 1991 is carried out with the use of two kinds of spectral wave prediction models to evaluate extreme waves along the coast of the Japan Sea. Wind distributions over the sea are computed with a system consisting of a spline interpolation model for irregularly-distributed atmospheric pressure data and the Bijvoet wind model. Applicability of the wave models is confirmed by close agreement between hindcasted and observed wave characteristics of recent storms. By statistical analysis of hindcasted wave data, both the most extreme wave in the past 30 years and wave height with return period of 100 years along the coast of the Japan Sea are evaluated, in which extreme wave heights range from 7.5 m to 10 m.

Key words: extreme waves, wave hindcasting, the Japan Sea, spectral wave prediction models  

Department of Civil and Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
Graduate Course of Civil and Ocean Engineering, Ehime University
