Vol.6-3 |
A Spectral Wave Prediction Model in Deep Water Compatible with a Personal
Computer and its Applicability |
山口 正隆* ・ 畑田 佳男* ・ 大福 学* ・ 字都宮 好博**
Masataka YAMAGUCHI*, Yoshio HATADA*, Manabu OHFUKU* and Yoshihiro
This paper presents a spectral wave prediction model, based on the radiative
transtfer equation, in which a personal computer can be utilized in the
numerical computation. For the purpose of saving processing time and capacity
of memory the model is formulated as a decoupled propagation model for
deep water waves, which traces propagation and growth or decay of each
component wave separately. A method estimating directional spectra at
a fixed location through the computation of each component wave along
a straight wave ray reaching the location is adopted in the numerical
integration of the equation. Hindcasting for wave data observed at several
locations around the Japnese coast during many typhoons in recent years
is attempted and the applicability is confirmed from the comparison between
the hindcasted and observed results for significant wave height and fiequency
【キーワード】:海岸災害, 波浪推算モデル, パソコン, 台風
Department or Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ehime Univ.
Craduate Course or Ocean Engineering, Ehime Univ.