Response of Inhabitants to Flood Hazards in Four Regions Struck by the Typhoon l0, l986
松田 磐余* ・ 望月 利男** ・ 早坂修一***
Iware MATSUDA*, Tosgio MOCHIZUKI** and Shuichi HAYASAKA***


 Experience in suffering from a disaster varies human response to it. A regional difference in ways how to respond to a disaster is likely to appear more strikingly in an emergency than at ordinary times. Four regions struck by the flood due to the Typhoon l0 of l986 were selected to research differences in response of inhabitants to flood hazards. Two of them are urbanized areas, one is a residential district and the other is commercial one. Remaining two regions are rural areas whose extents of damage were much different each other. It is proved by a questionnaire survey for inhabitants in these four regions that a difference in response to flood hazards depends on natural and social characteristics of a region and that response to a flood is not well done in the regions whose inhabitants are less interested in flood-fighting works. Especially, urban inhabitants are poorly prepared against floods.


Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Center for Urban Studies, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Tokyo Fire Department
