都市域の流出解析(1) −下水管渠網特性−
Properties of Drainage Sewer Networks in Urbanized Area
渡辺 政広* ・ 室田 明**
Masahiro WATANABE* and Akira MUROTA**


 In the first half of this paper, the Horton's laws that describe quantitatively the geomorphological properties of natural river networks, are applied to the combined sewer networks in Matsuyama and Osaka city drainage basins, and the applicabilities of the laws are investigated. Some characteristic geomorphological properties of the networks, which are different from those in the river networks, are discussed.
 In the latter half, the characteristic values of the flow parameters in SLOT MODEL that can handle both open-channel and surcharged flows with the same equations, are investigated in the combined sewer system ofMatsuyama city.


Faculty of Engineering, Ehime Univ.
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Univ.
