Vol.9-2 |
Questionnaire Survey of Human Behaviors and Consciousness on the Tsunami
of the 1989 Sanriku-Oki Earthquake |
斎藤 徳美*
Tokumi SAITO * |
A questionnaire survey was undertaken for the consciousness and behaviors
of inhabitants, against the tsunami that developed from the earthquake
which broke out on Nov. 2, 1989 with its seismic center at Sanriku-oki.
It was carried out on approximately 3000 households of inhabitants in
6 cities, towns or villages along the coast of Sanriku, Iwate prefecture,
where the people were ordered to evacuate their homes.
The results obtained are outlined as follows:
l. Many of the inhabitants were apprehensive of a tsunami and were aware
of the danger of tsunami at the time of the outbreak of earthquake.
2. The considerably low rate of inhabitants who evacuated their homes
reflected the inhabitants' own optimistic underestimation of potential
damages and hence the reluctance to evacuate. In view of past disasters,
it was a very risky judgement.
3. The methods for the issuance of evacuation order lacked uniformity
among the cities, towns and villages. The delayed issuance of evacuation
order, inaudible radio announcement and nonpreparation of places or refuge
are a few examples of complaints. Many reform measures were suggested
for prevention of disasters.
The coast of Sanriku still remains an area potentially exposed to the
risk of tsunami disasters. It is urgently needed to establish an integrated
and uniform system over a wide area for the timely issuance and smooth
communication of evacuation order and to promote preventive measures basically
by cultivating the consciousness of inhabitants to take prompt action
voluntarily in case of natural calamity.
Key words: earthquake damage, overturning of tombstone, lifeline, questionnaire
survey, overturn of furniture
Department of Resource Development Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Iwate University