日本自然災害学会と韓国防災学会 (Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation: KOSHAM) は,両学会共同の学術誌,Journal of Disaster Science and Management (JDSM) を Springer社より Open Access Journal として2024年度より発刊を開始することとし,2024年9月末より投稿受付を開始しました。
- 論文タイトル
- 著者名
- 投稿予定時期
- APC補助希望
- 貴大学(機関)における論文投稿支援制度の有無及び概要
Dear Members of the Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science.
The Japanese Society for Natural Disaster Science (JSNDS) and the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation (KOSHAM) have decided to publish the Journal of Disaster Science and Management (JDSM), a joint journal of the two societies, as an Open Access Journal from Springer Nature. JDSM will begin accepting submissions in September 2024.
The following is the JDSM website including the submission procedure.
From 2024 to 2026, JSNDS will provide APC exemption or reduction support for submission by utilizing APC exemption granted by Springer and the budget of JSNDS.
If you wish to receive APC exemption or reduction support, please contact JSNDS Secretariat at the time of your submission to JDSM.
- Title of paper
- Name of author(s)
- Expected submission date
- APC assistance requested
- Existence or non-existence of an article submission support system at your university (institution) and its outline