自然災害科学35 Vol.14,No.2, 1995, p111f
【報告】[Scientific Report]
Natural Disasters Caused by Heavy Rainfall in Nepal at July, 1993
小林 茂*・伊藤 驍**・谷田部 龍一***・高橋 治郎****
Shigeru KOBAYASHI*, Takeshi ITO**, Ryuichi YATABE*** and Jiro TAKAHASHI****
On July 19-2lth, 1993, the disasters of the slope failures, debris flows and floods occurred at central and eastern Nepal. The disasters were generated by the localized torrential downpour that the total amount of rainfall was over 700mm. The numbers of deaths and missings are over nineteen hundred persons. In this paper, firstly, the outline of this disasters, rainfall conditions and geology of Nepal are described. Finally, it is pointed out that one of the main cause of heavy disasters is in uncertain informations. Nepal is the first class country of natural disasters. But the investigations on natural hazards are not enough.
Key words:
heavy rainfall, natural disaster, Nepal, information system
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九州大学比較社会文化研究科Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University
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秋田高等工業専門学校Akita National College of Technology
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愛媛大学工学部Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
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愛媛大学教育学部Faculty of Education, Ehime University