自然災害科学35 Vol.14,No.2, 1995, p125f
【報告】[Scientific Report]
A Study on Countermeasure of the Disaster Prevention Agencies and Information Media in Kagoshima during Heavy Rainfall on August 6, 1993
高橋 和雄*・阿比留 勝吾*
Kazuo TAKAHASHI* and Shogo ABIRU*
The heavy rainfall which swept over the Kagoshima district on August 6,1993 killed 49 persons and damaged Kagoshima city and its vicinity tremendously. Roads of Kagoshima city were suddenly submerged by flash flood and broken by slope failure and landslide. The disaster prevention agencies could not enough accumulate and disseminate disaster information. It is the object of this paper to investigate the countermeasure of the disaster prevention agencies such as meteorological office, fire fighting office, city office, electric power company, Nippon telegraph and telephone company, police station and information media. The dissemination of the information and evacuation plan are also discussed.
Key words:
disaster in Kagoshima on August 6,1993, disaster prevention system, dissemination of information, refuge, evacuation plan
- *
長崎大学工学部社会開発工学科Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University