自然災害科学35 Vol.14,No.2, 1995, p135f
Estimation of Extremes of Typhoon-Generated Waves Based on Stochastic Typhoon Model and Multiple Regression Model
山口 正隆*・畑田 佳男*・花山 格章**・中村 雄二**
Masataka YAMAGUCHI*, Yoshio HATADA*, Masaki HANAYAMA** and Yuji NAKAMURA**
This paper presents a system for estimating extremes of typhoon-generated waves over a long term at a prescribed point. The system consists of four kinds of models. They are a Monte-Carlo simulation model for probabilistic generation of typhoon characteristics, termed stochastic typhoon model, a parametric typhoon model for wind estimation, a multiple regression model for estimation of maximum wave height during a typhoon, and an extreme analysis model for estimation of return wave heights. Extreme wave heights for return periods of 50 to l,000 years and their variability ranges are estimated from the simulated data at observation points along the Pacific coast of Western Japan. The return wave heights are in general agreement with those estimated from the observed data in spite of an extremely great difference between simulated and observed periods.
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愛媛大学工学部土木海洋工学科Department of Civil and Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
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愛媛大学大学院工学研究科Graduate Course of Civil and Ocean Engineering, Ehime University