
自然災害科学38 Vol.15,No.2, 1996, p151

【論文】[Regular Paper]

Flooding in Sandwip Island in the l99l Storm Surge Disaster

Hajime NAKAGAWA*, Yoshiaki KAWATA*, Kazuya INOUE* and Tomonobu TANINO**


In this paper, firstly, the numerical simulation model for the simultaneous analysis of storm surges and their flooding in Sandwip island is presented. A model of a cyclone is introduced to obtain the wind fields and the atmospheric pressure which are used for the calculation of the storm surge heights of the l99l cyclone. Secondly, the combined simulation method of storm surge flooding and the action of residents in the island is presented. A method to simulate the movements of groups of residents during evacuation in response to the storm surge flooding occurring after the coastal dikes have been breached is described. This model is applied to Sandwip island to assess the evacuation systems there. Thirdly, the“designed cyclone”is defined as the cyclone taking the path which generates the maximum volume of flood water carried to Sandwip island. Finally, the countermeasures needed are proposed.

Key words:

Storm surge, Cyclone, Flooding, Evacuation systcm, Bangladesh, Sandwip Island

Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Undergraduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University