
自然災害科学39 Vol.15,No.3, 1996, p231

【論文】[Regular Paper]


Economic Evaluation of Intangible Effects of Flooding

栗城 稔*・今村 能之**・小林 裕明**

Minoru KURIKI*, Yoshiyuki IMAMURA** and Hiroaki KOBAYASHI**


Intangible effects of flooding were estimated in monetary term. The estimation was based on questionnaires distributed among those who suffered from a flood that occurred in Northern Japan in 1994. The structure of the intangible effects of flooding was constructed by Fuzzy Structural Modeling (FSM) method, and an equation of calculating the amount of total intangible effects with due consideration on double counts was proposed. The estimated sum of the intangible effects sustained by a household was considerably higher than the tangible damage of the same household. In addition, intangible effects are felt, even if tangible damage on a house and its contents is zero. It should be considered that reduction of intangible effects be properly included in the benefit of flood alleviation schemes when economic analyses are carried out.



Key words:

intangible effect, flood, economic evaluation, Fuzzy Structural Modeling (FSM) method

アジア開発銀行 (前 建設省土木研究所都市河川研究室)
Asian Development Bank
Urban River Division, Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction