
自然災害科学40 Vol.15,No.4, 1997, p287f

【論文】[Regular Paper]


Observations on the Actual Circumstances of Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake Refugees in Toyonaka City

天国 邦博*・呂 恒倹**・望月 利男***

Kunihiro AMAKUNI*, Heng Jian Lu** and Toshio MOCHIZUKI***


In the peak period after the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake, more than 316 thousand people living in the stricken areas were forced to live under restricted conditions in shelters due to the destruction of houses, lifelines, etc.. Prolonged living in the severe environment of the shelters gave rise to many problems with respect to the refugees including the provision of relief goods, health management, care for the aged and so on. Post-quake operation and management of shelters became one of the major issues under earthquake-related emergency measures.

In order to obtain basic data for improving life support and mental and physical care as well as shelter operation and management systems for refugees of future earth-quakes, this paper observes the actual circumstances of refugees based on the results of surveys such as questionnaires concerning shelters in Toyonaka City related to the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake. With respect to the emergence of differences in the needs of refugees due to differences in the scale of suffering between peripheral and central stricken areas, a comparison has been made between Toyonaka City and other stricken areas such as Kobe City.



Key words:

1995 Hyogo-ken nanbu earthquake, refugees, shelters, Toyonaka city, questionnaire

東京都立大学大学院都市科学研究科博士課程(現在は パシフィックコンサルタンツ株式会社)
Graduate School of Center for Urban Studies, Tokyo Metropolitan University (at present: Pacific Consultants Co., LTD.)
Technical Research Laboratory, Pacific Consultants Co., LTD.
Center for Urban Studies, Tokyo Metropolitan University