自然災害科学43 Vol.16,No.3, 1997, p179f
【報告】[Scientific Report]
The Field Survey of the Tsunami Traces at the Riverbank and the Numerical Analysis of Tsunami Propagation in the River Due to 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-oki Earthquake
宮崎 知与*・史 亜傑**
Tomoyoshi MIYAZAKI* and Yajie SHI**
To estimate the water level of tsunami going up the river in Hokkaido, the tsunami traces at the riverbank were investigated and the water level were calculated by a numerical method for unsteady flow in an open channel.
(1) In Shiribeshitoshibetsu river,whose bed slope is 1/2500, the water level of tsunami is going down at the upstream, and the seawater is stored in the river till the second tidal wave reaches the mouth of the river.
(2) In Aonae river, whose bed slope is 1/ 100, the water level of tsunami is going up at the upstream, and the seawater discharges back to the sea and is not stored in the river.
Key words:
tsunami propagation in the river,1993 Hokkaido Nansei-oki Earthquake Tsunami Wave, field survey of the tsunami traces
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北海道開発コンサルタント株式会社Hokkaido Engineering Consultants INC.
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株式会社北海道水工コンサルタンツHokkaido Hydraulic Engineering Consultants INC.