自然災害科学43 Vol.16,No.3, 1997, p191f
Residents Response to the Flood Disasters of 1993 and 1995, in Kagoshima City, Japan
山田 啓一*
Keiichi YAMADA*
The central part of Kagoshima City suffered from severe floodings in 1993 and 1995. Many residents took action to protect their lives and properties during the events. After, 1993 flood, the flood information systems were improved and residents prepared against flooding.
To make clear their response to the floods, interview survey of 353 households was carried out. Households in 6 area are grouped into 3 types by previous flood experiences and geographic situations. In the frequent flooding type, residents having various information made quick responses with moving cars and setting up sandbags.
On the other hands, in the never flooding type, residents with less information action late after flooding.
In the 1995 flood, receiving rate of the weather warning is twice higher than in 1993. The rate of quick response residents are also increased.
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法政大学工学部土木工学科Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Hosei