自然災害科学46 Vol.17,No.2, 1998, p131f
Volcanic Gas Disasters in Japan - Principal Factors and Preventive Measures -
小坂 丈予*・平林 順一**・山本 雅弘***・野上 健治**
Joyo OSAKA*, Jun-ichi HIRABAYASHI**, Masahiro YAMAMOTO*** and Kenji NOGAMI**
Volcanic gas disasters around active volcanoes all over Japan have occurred 27 times and 45 people have been killed since 1950. Configuration of the ground near fumarolic areas and weather conditions are the principal factors in gas accidents.
Making gas-hazard maps, setting of restricted zones and installation of automatic alarm system with continuous monitoring are effective measures to prevent volcanic gas disasters. Knowledge of toxicity of volcanic gases and first aid are also helpful in reducing volcanic gas disasters.
Key words:
volcanic gas disasters, fumarole, gas hazard map, automatic alarm system
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玉川大学学術研究所Research Institute, Tamagawa University
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東京工業大学草津白根火山観測所Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano Observatory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
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岡山大学理学部地球科学科Depatment of Earth Science, Faculty of Science, Okayama University