
自然災害科学47 Vol.17,No.3, 1998, p279f

【論文】[Regular Paper]


A GIS Approach to the Monitoring of Damaged Mountain Slopes using Satellite IR Images

河邑 眞*・辻子 裕二**

Makoto KAWAMURA* and Yuji TSUJIKO**


This paper describes a GIS model to detect slope failures and predict succeeding slope failures which will occur in mountain side, using LANDSAT TM data and several geographic information. Particularly, this model is applied to the hazard triggered by Hyogo-ken Nambu earthquake and heavy rainfall after the earthquake. To assess the post-hazard occurrence probabilities, two approaches are introduced. One is a method of slope failure detection using remote sensing data, and the other one is a modeling of value function for prediction of slope failures. The results from Rokko mountain area show the effectiveness of proposed model which gives the weight of value function by neural network.



Key words:

slope failure, remote sensing data, GIS, Hyogo-ken Nambu earthquake

Department of Archtecture and Civil Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering, Fukui National College of Technology