自然災害科学49 Vol.18,No.1, 1999, p55f
【報告】[Scientific Report]
Heavy Rainfall Disaster in Miyazaki Prefecture by Typhoon 9719
山本 晴彦*・岩谷 潔**・鈴木 賢士*・早川 誠而*・鈴木 義則***
Haruhiko YAMAMOTO*, Kiyoshi IWAYA**, Kenji SUZUKI* , Seiji HAYAKAWA* and Yoshinori SUZUKI***
Meteorological disaster was caused by heavy rainfall during typhoon 9719 In Miyazaki Prefecture. At Mitate in Hinokage Town in northern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, the amount of precipitation between September 13 and 16 was 787 mm. At Fnjigauchi in Ume Town in southern part of Ohita Prefecture, the amount of precipitation on September 16 was 586 mm. The residential area and farmland in Nobeoka City and Kitagawa Town suffered from the flood of Kita Rever, Houri River, Ohse River and Gokase River by increased water. The amount of damage in the disaster of Miyazaki Prefecture by typhoon 9719 with heavy rainfall exceeded 55 billion yen.
Key words:
flood disastcr, heavy rainfall, Kitagawa Town, Miyazaki Prefecture, Nobeoka City, precipitation, typhoon 9719
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山口大学農学部Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University
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鳥取大学大学院連合農学研究科United Department of Agricultural Science, Graduate School of Tottori University
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九州大学農学部Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University