
自然災害科学50 Vol.18,No.2, 1999, p191f

【報告】[Scientific Report]


Studies on Methods for Protecting Against Cool Summer Damage in Hokkaido

堀口 郁夫*・山口 高明*・王 秀峰*

Ikuo HORIGUCHI* , Kome YAMAGUCHI* and Xiufeng WANG*


The methods for protecting against cool summer crop damage in Hokkaido were analyzed and the operational situation in past cool summer years was researched via published reports. Also, questionnaires on the operational situations of protecting methods were administered to farmers who manage rice fields.

The results of questionnaires for the two main protecting methods, deep irrigation and windbreak are summarized as follows. It is estimated that 20% of farmers in Hokkaido are not using the deep irrigation protecting method. These farmers felt that it would be difficult to maintain water depth for deep irrigation because of a lack of water volume and the low height of balk. Another reason was a lack of labor.

Windbreaks were installed by only 23-36% of the farmers living in strong wind areas. Approximately 47% of farmers did not set up windbreaks, because they have large fields, separated field locations, lack of places for the windbreaks or felt they are obstacle to field management. Also, approximately 32% of farmers mentioned a lack of labor as a reason for not installing windbreaks.



Key words:

cool summer damage, protecting method, operational situation, questionnaires, Hokkaido

Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University