自然災害科学52 Vol.18,No.4, 2000, p489f
地震災害の脆弱性に関する都市間比較の試み -政令指定都市を事例として-
Intercity Comparison Using Evaluation Techniques on Vulnerability of Earthquake Disaster- A Case Study of Ordinance-designated City -
天国 邦博*・荏本 孝久**・望月 利男***
Kunihiro AMAKUNI*, Takahisa ENOMOTO** and Toshio MOCHIZUKI***
The Hanshin-Awaji earthquake caused enormous damage to cities in the Hanshin area, including Kobe City. Since the earthquake, all the local municipalities in Japan have been tackling to establish an earthquake disaster prevention plan.
It is well known that an urban vulnerability to the earthquake disaster could depend on various factors specific to each city such as natural conditions, spatial structures, social characteristics and risk management capacity against earthquake disasters. However, it stands that no researches and studies have given quantitative relations among those factors, and consequently, none of them have presented any idea on area prioritization in an urban disaster prevention plan.
This study presents the comprehensive and quantitative evaluation method of disaster spread factors and disaster restraint factors, then estimated and compared the earthquake disaster prevention capacity for 13 largest cities in Japan designated by ordinance.
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東京都立大学大学院都市科学研究科Graduate School of Center for Urban Studies, Tokyo Metropolitan University
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神奈川大学工学部Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University
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東京都立大学都市研究所Center for Urban Studies, Tokyo Metropolitan University