自然災害科学53 Vol.19,No.2, 2000
Comparison of Long Term Waves Hindcasted Using Two Kinds of Wind Data Sets at Coastal Sea Areas around Japan
畑田 佳男*・山口 正隆*・大福 学*・松木 太郎**・野中 浩一***
Yoshio HATADA*, Masataka YAMAGUCHI*, Manabu OHFUKU*, Taro MATSUGI** and Hirokazu NONAKA***
Wave hindcastings for a period of 13 years at 25 observation stations along the Japan Sea coast and those for a period of 9 years at 29 observation stations along the Japanese coasts of the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea were conducted every 1 hour by using a backward ray tracing shallow water wave model on a nesting grid with high topographical resolution. Input wind data were made in two ways. One was to recompile them from the analysis data sets provided by the European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the other was to compute them by applying the Bijvoet wind model to sea-level pressure distribution which is spatially interpolated from sea-level pressure data at many locations. Comparisons are made among wave climate parameters and error statistics estimated from hindcasts and observations on various time scales such as each month and a whole year period. The main conclusion is that wave hindcasts with the ECMWF wind data give rise to a better estimate for wave climate statistics than that with the wind data by the Bijvoet model, particularly at the Japanese coasts of the Pacific Ocean.
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愛媛大学工学部環境建設工学科Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
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新居浜市役所Niihama Municipal Office
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愛媛大学大学院理工学研究科博士後期課程生産工学専攻Course of Engineering for Productions, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University